
Decorate your new terrace with designer furniture, integrated fireplace and shiny decorative throughs, and create own ambience according to your preferences.


Designer furniture

Our high-quality designer furniture that is manufactured by an independent manufacturer will embellish your BIOCLIMATIC and ARLEQUIN pergola with straight and clear lines.

Our collection offers a combination of material and colours.

Integrated fireplace

Create a gentle and comfortable ambience under your SOLISYSTEME pergola by installing a fireplace. Warm intertwine between the delightfulness of traditional firewood for heating and modern design and material.

Shinny decorative throughs

Make your terrace and pergola visible with decorative shiny troughs/floral pots. They will highlight the changing colors and create a magical ambiance at your party.

Obrazec za povpraševanje ni na voljo v tem brskalniku

Obrazec za povpraševanje je zaradi varnosti na voljo le v sodobnejših brskalnikih, kot so Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox...

V kolikor nam želite poslati povpraševanje, lahko uporabite sodobnejše brskalnike in poskusite znova, oziroma nas kontaktirate direktno preko kontaktnih podatkov v nogi oziroma preko strani Stopite v stik. Z veseljem vam bomo odgovorili.

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